The Musician - Merian, 1621
Website ported to Jekyll
Julia D!
Brad and Valerie's Excellent Adventure
Noun, Verb, Swing Your Partner
On to Jekyll!
Another Dance I Nicked
The Road to Boston
Ventilation/perfusion scanning for acute pulmonary embolism
Radiology Grand Rounds at UC Davis Medical Center
Essential Apps for Handheld Devices
Cool Case Book 3 now online
An Approach to Diagnosing Musculoskeletal Tumors
Reel de Rayon X
Building a Printrbot
Screen Comparison: iPad2 vs. new iPad
Playing with Beautiful Soup
Using 27-inch iMac as an external display
Intergalactic Online MSK Conference article now in print
Do Si Doe Bay
Warren Argo, 1942 - 2010
Thunder and Lightning Hornpipe
Ladies Courchaine
Kalia's Saturnalia
Allegra Non Troppo
Cardiac Life Support for Aging Folkies
In the Nick of Time
The Bow's Fiddler is a Fiddler's Beau
Hardiman the Fiddler
Freudian Slip
Quicksilver Reel
Bob's Boomerang (English version)
Bob's Boomerang (contra version)
Children, Go Where I Send Thee
Mended Sixpence
La HabaƱera
Crossing the Cascades --- Music
Crossing the Cascades --- Dances
Sweet Sixteen
Dancing and the Road to Hell
Star Trek
Crossing the Brazos
Monday Night in Ballard
Pearl Anniversary Whirl
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